Frequent Questions
When and How do I pay for the shipment?
We accept cash, credit cards (2.5% service fee will be charged) and business checks
May I just put my name or island on the shipping label?
If you are registered in the system, the name you registered, followed by (STT) is all you need. Please remember that if you registered your name as Robbie and cargo comes in for Robert- the receiving folks will not recognize it. Or if you register under your name and the cargo comes into under your spouse or Grandmother’s name- it will go into the UNKNOWN INVENTORY. We can always find it by the tracking number, but it will remain in the UNKNOWNS until we are given the tracking number.
I don’t remember my number, can I just put my name or island on the shipping label?
I wouldn’t. The Miami warehouse processes thousands of packages a day. Your package will likely be delayed in loading and could miss the sailing. Sometimes people don’t even put their name on the label, just
My tracking number says it was delivered by noon on Wednesday, why didn’t it ship?
UPS, FedEX, DHL and USPS trucks deliver hundreds of packages daily. They open their doors and everything in their truck is pushed onto our loading dock floor. The driver hands us a manifest and gets back in his truck and zooms away. We then begin the process of sorting through these deliveries and comparing it to the manifest. It can take up to 48 hours for us to receive all the cargo into our system.
What if I ship to multiple islands?
If you ship to more than one island, you will need more than one Rock City Cargo Account Number. See your account representative to assist you in getting multiple account numbers.
Do I need to email an invoice to Rock City Cargo, LLC?
Yes, US Customs requires an invoice or receipt to be included in shipments of products. When you buy something online, you should be able to forward the receipt that they sent you. Simply send us an email and attach the invoice. If you buy something in person, take a good quality picture of the invoice with your phone and email it to us.
Email your invoices to:
What paperwork does US Customs require in order to clear my goods?
The US Government requires a bill of lading and invoice that provides a description of the goods, the value of the individual items and a total. Please provide country of origin of the cargo if it is known.
Why do you need to know if the shipment is made in a foreign country?
U.S. Customs charges a duty on certain goods that are made in a foreign country. If it is suspected that a shipment is foreign made, a US Customs agent may require a physical inspection of the shipment. This can often delay the release of the shipment. The easiest and fastest way of avoiding the delay is to provide documentation that shows the country of origin. Many manufacturers or distributors can provide an invoice or document which includes a declaration of country of manufacture, such as, “Made in the USA”.
Are there restrictions on certain products or materials?
It is critically important that we provide the vessel operator an accurate declaration of goods. Certain goods are incompatible with others. For example, flammable gases, like propane, cannot be shipped in the same container with corrosive liquids, such as batteries. It is possible that certain dangerous goods will be delayed, if there aren’t enough containers to separate incompatible cargos. There is also a surcharge on hazardous materials as additional paperwork is required by the shipper.
I bought it, the next time I want to think about it is when it’s at my door. Do you do that?
Of course, we specialize in full service. We encourage our regular customers to keep a credit card on file with us. We can provide an itemized invoice for Ocean Freight, insurance, duties and excise fees, customs clearance and delivery.
Can I clear my own freight?
Yes you can! You can do as much or as little as you wish. We are always happy to help you in any way we can.
Do you deliver? How much does it cost?
Yes, we will deliver anything you ship with us. Delivery charges vary. We are happy to provide an accurate quote prior to you committing to the service.
Do I need to insure my freight?
This is a personal question as people have different tolerances to risk. You will be required to sign a document that releases Cariconex and Rock City Cargo from any liability from damage to your goods if you choose not to insure.
What happens if I’m not on island when my freight arrives?
We don’t have a lot of space for long term storage. You are given 5 business days from the arrival date to pick up your freight. We don’t charge any storage fees for those 5 days. After that, we will charge 10¢/cubic foot/day If you think you won’t be available to pick up your freight for a period of time, we can hold it in Miami for up to 21 days at no charge. After that, you will incur storage fees of 5¢/day.
How can I track my shipments?
Please give us a call and we will get you set up for on line tracking.